Andrew Lin


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science with a focus in Security Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Fall 2025 and commission in the Air Force.

Interests: Cybersecurity, Software Engineering, Cyber Operations


Field Training 2023

A two-week military training at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, designed to test cadets physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Military Training AFROTC Leadership

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Record Database 2022

A database project from ICS 212 to store and retrieve banking customer's information.

C/C++ ICS 212 Database

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RPG Project 2020

A Java project from AP Computer Science A of a terminal-based role-playing game.

Java AP Comp Sci A Role-Playing Game

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From Software to Engineering

13 Dec 2023

What’s Software Engineering? Software Engineering is a broad term that encapsulates a lot. We can begin by taking the two words inversely: Engineering software - taking a practical, methodical, and systematic approach to building software. There is a Body of...

Reflection Software Engineering

Designing a Software Engineering Pattern

30 Nov 2023

Design Pattern Geometrically What do you think of when you hear th word “Geometry?” Shapes! Rectangles, circles, triangles, square, trapezium, convex polygon, parallelogram, irregular polygons, kite, quadrilaterals…The list goes on and on, and through the ingenuity of mathematicians, we have...

Reflection Design Pattern

AI: the Road Not Much Taken

21 Nov 2023

Introduction Personal Experience with AI Impact on Learning and Understanding Practical Applications Challenges and Opportunities Comparative Analysis Future Considerations Conclusion Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an inevitable part of computing for the general public with its availability. AI in...

Reflection Artificial Intelligence Software Engineering

Frame of Reference: UI

05 Oct 2023

The Introduction: HTML and CSS The initial learning of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) through FreeCodeCamp felt similar to the one done for JavaScript: long, foundational, but necessary. In addition, the BrowserHistory WOD really encapsulates the...

Reflection UI Framework HTML CSS

Standard on Coding Standards

21 Sep 2023

Coding without Standards: “wOuLd yoU RaThEr reaDThIs TeXt ; Or read this neatly formatted text?” Imagine you are reading an English paragraph, one that is without proper syntax, grammar, capitalization, or any sense of standards in the way it is...

Reflection Coding Standards Software Engineering

Smart Questions: A necessity for the Community

07 Sep 2023

The saying often goes: “There are no dumb questions.” However, in a technical setting, questions asked often result in different answers, and at times none at all. In Eric Steven Raymond’s “How To Ask Questions The Smart Way,” he introduces...


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