RPG Project

As a project for AP Computer Science A, we were to design a role-playing game in java. The project was developed using the BlueJ IDE. and took place throughout the span of a few months, with mini-assignments for each elements of the requirements for the project. I took my inspiration for my RPG project from an old obsolete flash ARPG game called "Arcuz." I wanted to incorporation elements from Arcuz such as the monsters, NPC interactions, equipments, and battles.

An emphasis was placed on understanding Java inheritance with classes and subclasses. The following image showcases all the classes implemented in the BlueJ project:

The user interface was done solely using the blueJ console. The "Map" of the game was a 2D array representation, with a movable character (the player) as the icon ‘i’. Each map is stored in a ‘.txt.’ file, with a couple of prebuild maps that makes up the project’s gameplay experience.

The following contains a few images of the game play experience:

Feel free to look at my sources and/or download the files to play the game yourself: link.