Record Database

As a two-part final project for my ICS 212 class, all students, on their own, were to design a program that can store and retrieve banking customer’ information through a terminal user interface, using the C (part 1) and C++ (part 2) programming language. Each banking customer have their (1) account number (int), name (char[]), address (char[]), and a pointer (record*) to a next entry stored as a structure called record in C/C++. The C code was later converted to C++ code as we learned about the C++ programming language in class as part 2 of the project.

The follow C code shows the header file for the structure record that stores banking customer’s information:

#ifndef RECORD_H
#define RECORD_H

struct record
    int               accountno;
    char              name[30];
    char              address[50];
    struct record*    next; 


The follow C code shows the user interface in the terminal window for adding a banking customer’s record into the database:

Select one of the options below:
add: add a new customer record
printall: print all existing record(s) of customers
find: find record(s) of an existing customer
delete: delete record(s) of an existing customer
quit: exit the program
Awaiting input...

Add a new record:

Enter the account number to find: 

Enter the account name: 
andrew lin
Enter the account mailing address: (type '!' at the end to indicate the end of the address)

Adding new record to database: 

Record with account #1234 has been added to the database!

Select one of the options below:
add: add a new customer record
printall: print all existing record(s) of customers
find: find record(s) of an existing customer
delete: delete record(s) of an existing customer
quit: exit the program
Awaiting input...

Print all records:

Record Entry #1
Account #1234
Name: andrew lin


Source Code

You can see more about my project’s source code here.